• Aktuelles
  • %3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%70%65%74%72%61%23%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2c%64%65%22%20%74%69%74%6c%65%3d%22%70%65%74%72%61%40%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2e%64%65%22%3e%3c%69%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%22%66%61%72%20%66%61%2d%65%6e%76%65%6c%6f%70%65%22%3e%3c%2f%69%3e%3c%2f%61%3e
Freundeskreis Südafrika Freundeskreis Südafrika


Hier können Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Gastfamilien und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für uns und für andere eine Nachricht hinterlassen.

Pupils, parents, host families and teachers: Please leave a message for us and for others.

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I'm so happy to have this opportunity to experience Germany. My time here so has been great and I really enjoy getting to know Family Berghoff. Although there are definitely some cultural differences, it is very interesting to see how people live in another country. Thank you FSA for making this possible!

How it is going

My time so far in Germany has been very good. I am ahaving so much fun. My family is a perfect match and i feel very at home. They are so kind and help me so much and treat me like one of their own. I feel that i couldnt have a better family than whom i have now. The school is definitely a different experience but it is interesting to see how things work in Germany. But i have nothing bad to say. Alles ist sehrrr schön!!

Elzette Labuschagne

Ich freue mich sehr, meine Gastfamilie kennenzulernen, insbesondere meine Gastschwester Norina. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, alles zu erleben, was Deutschland zu bieten hat.

Elzette Labuschagne

Ich freue mich sehr, meine Gastfamilie kennenzulernen, insbesondere meine Gastschwester Norina. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, alles zu erleben, was Deutschland zu bieten hat.

Elzette Labuschagne

We as parents of Elzette Labuschagne are very excited for her to visit Germany and her host family in Bielefeld. She is excited to meet her new family and be a part of their family life. (Böker family)

Anneliese Hesse and family Kirch

Family Kirch is wonderful and I am enjoying my stay in Germany very much. I will cherish this experience forever.

Deutschland 2023/2024

Es ist so aufregend, meine Gastfamilie eindlich zu treffen! Alle in diesem Haus sind wirklich sympathisch zu mir, und sie laden mich ein, mit ihnen etwas zu machen. Ich bin noch neu in der Schule, aber die Schule ist so viel anders als Südafrika und das macht es unglaublich interessant. Meine Gastfamilie unterstützt mich dabei, neue Dingen auszuprobieren!

Austausch in Deutschland

Es macht wirklich so viel Spaß hier in Deutschland!! Die Gastfamilie ist sehr lieb, und Schule auf Deutsch ist ganz anders - interessant! Alles ist so schön. Ich freue mich so sehr, endlich hier zu bin. Wirklich die beste Erfahrung.

FSA - Top Organisation

...selten so eine gut organisierte und herzliche Organisation gesehen. Das Team, inbsbesondere Frau Jacobi, hat IMMER ein offenes Ohr und überzeugt durch Ihre Herzlichkeit und Kompetenz. Die Auswahl der Austauschschüler ist so klasse. Die Schüler aus SA sind einfach unglaublich herzlich und höflich.

Wer überlegt einen Austausch nach Südafrika zu machen, unbedingt nur mit FSA!!!!

Vielen Dank für Alles und die tolle Organisation.

3 Monate Südafrika

Wir haben uns letzten November spontan entschieden einen Austauschschüler aufzunehmen.
Ich fand es toll, jemanden über mehrere Wochen Deutschland zu zeigen und selber eine neue Kultur kennen zu lernen.
Deshalb haben wir uns dann dazu entschieden, dass ich selber den Austausch mache.
Die Jeep Safari war super und sehr entspannt, ein super Einstieg in den Austausch.
Ich habe über die fast drei Monate mega viel erlebt und unglaublich nette Leute kennen gelernt!
Vielen Dank and die FSA für das Organisieren des Austausches und für dieses einmaliges Erlebnis!

The first week in Germany

I’ve been in Germany for a week! How did the time go by so fast?
The first few days it was definitely a challenge to adapt to a different way of living and going about things. The experiences I have been granted in only this week, are more than I could ever imagine. Every moment, big and small, fill my heart with something I have never felt before. I couldn’t be more thankful.
My host family are the kindest of people and they opened their hearts to me, from the moment we met. They include me in everything and I dont feel like an outsider for one moment
The school is very different than what I’m used to. It’s very interesting to be in class. I’m getting used to the times and way they eat, and I love every second. It gets dark in the evening much later than in South Africa, so the days are definitely a bit longer…
I cant wait to see what the rest of my adventure holds

My stay in Germany

Germany is amazing. I love my host family. They are so friendly, they include me with everything and are just lovely. They make me feel at home and are very nice. I get along great with my host sister and we are having alot of fun playing bord games, going to school and just staying together.

Germany is alot different to South Africa, but I have really enjoyed learning about their culture and the way of life. I am really happy that I chose to do this program and is so grateful for this opportunity.

Herzlich willkommen in Deutschland

Before coming my heart skipped a beat every time I thought about it. Now that I'm here it really feels like living a dream! I am so grateful for this opportunity I have and for my host family. We get along so well. I'm not treated like an outsider, but like a true member of the family. Getting to experience life in Germany first hand has so far been one of the coolest things I've experienced in my life! So far the exchange was an amazing adventure and I can't wait for the rest of my adventure to unfold as I experience Germany for the rest of this amazing month!

A true Berliner!

It's the first week and I feel great! My host family is amazing and I've made lots of friends. The school system is very different, but overall it's an amazing school.

Germany, June/July 2023

My host family is really nice and we get along very well.
We have lots of fun together like playing games and going for walks with their dog.
The school is a little different from South African schools, but it is easy to get used to.

Really have a great time with the family

I really love my host family and I am so happy to be in they're family. They are very nice to me and I really enjoy spending time with them

My host family

My host family is absolutely wonderful and I have felt at home since day 1. They have taken me on many tours and shown me things that I have never seen before in my life such as going on the ferry.
I have never felt this safe before and I am really enjoying my stay in Germany, especially because my host family is so welcoming and lovely.


I feel so lucky to have landed with this family!They are very kind and so caring.I knew from the day I met them that this is going to be the best time ever. Germany has been great so far!!!

Host family experience so far

I absolutely love it so far! Everyone is so nice and goes out of their way to help me and explain to me things I don't understand.
At first it was a bit of an adjustment to get used to their ways, but after a while you get used to it.
Going to school with the bikes are one of the highlights of my stay so far. It is nice to have the freedom and to know that the house is only 5 minutes away.

Host familt

i love my family! super amazing at cooking aswell in english :) my host sister is perfectly matched up with me, we have the exact same interest and hobbies, and even now, just after a few days in germany, we've already become very close!