• Aktuelles
  • %3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%70%65%74%72%61%23%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2c%64%65%22%20%74%69%74%6c%65%3d%22%70%65%74%72%61%40%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2e%64%65%22%3e%3c%69%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%22%66%61%72%20%66%61%2d%65%6e%76%65%6c%6f%70%65%22%3e%3c%2f%69%3e%3c%2f%61%3e
Freundeskreis Südafrika Freundeskreis Südafrika


Hier können Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Gastfamilien und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für uns und für andere eine Nachricht hinterlassen.

Pupils, parents, host families and teachers: Please leave a message for us and for others.

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Counting down the days!

I am extremely grateful for this once in a life time opportunity!My family is very kind and I can’t wait to be a guest in their home ! I am looking forward to this experience and to learn from it. I am feeling grateful, excited, and just so happy that I can go on this adventure.Special thanks to FSA for all their effort and making this possible for us.

German Fever

Only 9 days left until the 2023 FSA exchange group travels to Germany. Very excited and was matched with wonderful family.

Visit to Germany

I am very excited to visit Germany and can't wait to meet the family that is going to host me. I can't wait to explore the land and the different cultures and to be a proud ambassador of South Africa . I am very thankful to go and it will definitely be an amazing adventure that I will remember forever.

The FSA program is one amazing experience

The FSA program is really the best program ever. They all help you so much to get ready for your flight whether it it to Germany or South Africa. They guide you through the whole process and pay close attention on where to place you so that you have the best host family 💞

aufrichtiger Dank!

Mit großer Wertschätzung und Dankbarkeit schreiben wir Ihnen. FSA bot Nika während ihrer 2 Monate in Deutschland eine erstklassige Erfahrung.

Sowohl der Anlauf mit all der Arbeit, die sie erledigen musste, als auch der Besuch bei ihrer Familie in Duisburg waren für sie unvergesslich. Die Auseinandersetzung und Bereicherung ist für uns als Eltern ein Schlüssel, um erwachsen zu werden und sich in die weite Welt zu wagen.

Ihnen und Ihrem Team gilt unser aufrichtiger Dank für die großartige Arbeit, die Sie leisten. Nika wird ihr Leben lang von diesem besonderen Erlebnis profitieren!


Besuch aus Durban

Wir hatten 3 wundervolle Wochen mit unserer Gastschülerin aus Südafrika. In dieser Zeit haben wir viel gemeinsam unternommen und sehr gute Momente miteinander geteilt.
Unsere liebe Besucherin hat uns viel beigebracht und wir hoffen, sie kann das Gleiche berichten.
Auf jeden Fall ein Gewinn für beide Seiten.
Wir möchten uns ausdrücklich bei Frau Jacobi bedanken für die hervorragende Betreuung über den gesamten Zeitraum des Austausches.
Wir freuen uns über den Gegenbesuch unserer Tochter nach Südafrika.

Unsere Erfahrung als Gastfamilie

Wir hatten vom 11.11. bis zum 05.01. Nika aus Südafrika bei uns zu Gast.
Nika war eine absolute Bereicherung für unsere Familie! Nika war immer total positiv, hatte nie schlechte Laune und war immer fröhlich. Sie hat bei allen unseren Verwandten und Freunden einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen! Dementsprechend hart war der Abschied am 05.01.
Wir vermissen Nika! Unsere Tochter Marie kann es kaum erwarten Nikas Familie im Sommer kennen zu lernen!
Vielen Dank an die FSA für die gute Organisation!
Liebe Grüße aus Duisburg
Familie Grafen

Happy with my host family

I am enjoying my time with my family! My host family is really similar to my family back home. I am still adjusting to the weather, but I am really grateful for such an experience

Happy at my host family

I have arrived safely at my host family and in the few days I have been here I have really grown fond of my host family and the part of Germany I have seen so far. The FSA had truly done a good job in placing me with a suitable family.


I am enjoying my stay in Germany very much and can't wait to experience more of this wonderful country and culture.

Stay in Germany

I miss home everyday but still enjoy the experiences and my family is very nice.

Exchange with Family Haker

I am very happy with my host family! They are kind and so welcoming. I am thankful that they are part of my exchange program journey.

My ecperience in Germany

The FSA youth exchange program is really a wonderful experience and experiencing Germany and the way everything works is really incredible. The people are very nice and helpful and the host families are incredibly friendly and hospitable. Such a great experience!

Beyond excited

I cannot wait for tomorrow to arrive! I am beyond excited to meet my guest family in person. Speechless!

On my way to Germany

I have been dreaming of this opportunity for 3 years and now it is finally a reality! I cannot wait to meet my host family - they are so friendly. May the adventure begin!

How I feel now

At the moment (4 days before departure ), I am very exited.I’ve spoken to my host family on FaceTime and on WhatsApp. I’m very relaxed, knowing that I’m going to a wonderful family.




I'm an exchange student

First week feedback

I absolutely adore my host family! I appreciate their effort!
Honestly, th first day of school was extremely overwhelming and stressful. The second day was much better, even thoigh I still feel quite lost and confused.
I'm sure I'll get used to everything.

My host family

it is a very cozy home and i am very happy that i got sent to this family and look forward to spending the next 8 weeks with them and making new lifelong friends. I had my first german school day today and I enjoyed it much, the school is much different to that of South Africa. I met new people and they were very nice to me and I look forward to getting to know them better. I also rode through the city today in the break and bought a first gift for my parents and a schoko croissant that i enjoyed a lot