• Aktuelles
  • %3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%70%65%74%72%61%23%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2c%64%65%22%20%74%69%74%6c%65%3d%22%70%65%74%72%61%40%66%72%65%75%6e%64%65%73%6b%72%65%69%73%2d%73%75%65%64%61%66%72%69%6b%61%2e%64%65%22%3e%3c%69%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%22%66%61%72%20%66%61%2d%65%6e%76%65%6c%6f%70%65%22%3e%3c%2f%69%3e%3c%2f%61%3e
Freundeskreis Südafrika Freundeskreis Südafrika


Hier können Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Gastfamilien und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für uns und für andere eine Nachricht hinterlassen.

Pupils, parents, host families and teachers: Please leave a message for us and for others.

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How do I feel now

I am mixed with nerves and excitement as I leave the places and the people I have known for my whole life. I am grateful for this opportunity and I have a great feeling that this will be one of the best trips of my life.

Excitement towards exchange

I am so incredibly excited to meet all of you and form new connections. I can't wait for this special adventure of a lifetime and hope to learn a lot about Germany, specifically Potsdam and its people. I am so grateful for this opportunity! I can't stop thinking about it!

how do i feel now

liebe frau Jacobi

Ich fühle mich etwas gestresst, alles fühlt sich an wie ein verschwommenes Bild, ich kann es kaum glauben, dass ich in den nächsten Tagen nach Deutschland fliege. Ich freue mich sehr darauf, aber die Realität hat noch nicht vollständig Einzug gehalten, es fühlt sich unwirklich an. Mir dreht sich jedes Mal vor Aufregung der Magen um, wenn ich daran denke. Besonders froh bin ich, dass ich keine Klausuren mehr schreiben muss

how do i feel now

I feel a bit stressed, everything feels like a blur, I can't believe that in the next few days I'm flying to Germany. I'm really looking forward to it but reality hasn't fully kicked in yet, it feels unreal. My stomach turns with excitement every time I think about it. I think I'm especially happy that I don't have to write exams anymore

ein Herz und eine Seele

Liebe Frau Jacobi,

ich möchte mich schon jetzt einmal herzlich bedanken für die tolle Unterstützung und die schnelle Abwicklung mit der Auswahl der
Meine Tochter und Ilse sind jetzt schon ein Herz und eine Seele.
Sie schreiben Tag täglich und freuen sich schon riesig sich in den Armen zu liegen.

Vielen vielen Dank
Kristin Krienke


Liebe Frau Jacobi,

das 6-wöchige High-School-Programm hat unser Leben verändert.

Jil hatte eine unglaublich schöne Zeit in Südafrika und vermisst ihre Gastfamilie und südafrikanischen Freunde wahnsinnig doll. Wir sind auch als Familien zusammengewachsen, worüber ich mich sehr freue. Im Dezember erwarten wir den Gegenbesuch und ich kann es gar nicht abwarten meine Gasttochter endlich persönlich kennenzulernen.

Vielen Dank für die sehr gute Organisation und Vorbereitung. Wir alle haben uns bei der FSA immer sehr gut aufgehoben und informiert gefühlt. Mir fällt absolut nichts ein, was hätte besser laufen können.

Herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße aus Hamburg

Wir möchten Danke sagen!

Liebe Frau Jacobi,

wir möchten uns von ganzen Herzen für Ihre perfekte Organisation und Betreuung für die Anreise unserer Lara bedanken!
Uns ist es ein Rätsel, wie Sie dies hinbekommen haben: Lara und Maja sind ein perfektes Schüleraustausch-Match! Alles lief perfekt!
Ihre Orga: fantastisch!
Super Infos, immer zur rechten Zeit!
Liebevoll geschriebene Anschreiben!
Lara war optimal auf ihre Reise vorbereitet.
Unsere liebe Lara ist ein Geschenk für unsere Familie!
Es hätte nicht besser laufen können!!!
Danke, danke, danke!!!

Seit der Abreise ist kaum eine Stunde vergangen, dass die Mädels nicht miteinander geschrieben oder telefoniert haben. Die beiden zählen die Tage bis zu Majas Ankunft in Südafrika rückwärts.

Herzliche Grüße aus dem Südschwarzwald

An unforgettable experience

My time in Germany was absolutely unforgettable!

I am so grateful to the FSA Youth Exchange for their program that allowed me to travel to Germany to experience it not only as a tourist but also with a German family and get a perspective of their way of life and how different but also similar it can be in some ways.

The entire experience is exactly what I dream and strive to be able to do when I grow up. I want to travel the world and experience everything it has to offer from different cultures to the amazing sights and people. This program has given me a taste and is the first step to fulfilling my dreams.

Franziska Gräfe

Wenn ihr jemals ins Ausland wolltet, dann nutzt die Chance! Es ist so eine unglaublich tolle Erfahrung, die man nie vergessen wird. Es gibt so viel zu erleben und man bemerkt wie unterschiedlich das neue Land zu seiner Heimat ist. Man lernt so viel über die andere Kultur und kann selbst von seiner eigenen erzählen. Außerdem lernt man viele neue Menschen kennen und findet im besten Fall ein zweites Zuhause.
Ich bin echt dankbar für alles, was ich erleben durfte und kann es jeden nur herzlich weiterempfehlen.

SA Exchange to Germany

Our soon took part in the exchange during June / July 2022

The FSA team did a superb job to ensure that everything went as planned. We were kept up to date and informed all the way.
Our son had a fantastic time in Germany, and became very close with his new family and friends in Germany. I must commend the team from FSA who managed to plan and do the placings in the way they did. From the feedback it just seems that every participant ended with a family that was a perfect match.
Thanks for the amazing opportunity.

Parent of Exchange Pupil

Can't believe Marzaan is already back home, the four weeks has been changed into the most incredible experience and a lovely young women has returned home. We do hope that our host family understand the huge opportunity they created by opening their home to her and will always be very grateful for that. Maybe a bit of our Mzanzi (Xhosa name for South Africa) one day soon.

My exchange

Being apart of the exchange program was one of the best choices I have made due to the experience and exposure. It’s so much more than just going overseas it’s learning a culture, new things and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. The difference between my lifestyle in South Africa vs a german lifestyle, it was amazing to expierence but also made me realise no matter where you are in the world we all are the same but in different ways and different comfortability
Thank you so much for the opportunity

Parent of exchange pupil

Our daughter had a wonderful experience on her recent exchange to Germany. She had a great host family, and made lovely friends.
We highly recommend this program to anyone who is keen. FSA really guides you with the paperwork and finding the right host family and your child gets such a great opportunity!!!!!
Every day, she remembers something new to share with us on her experience - Life changing!!!!

My German exchange

Meine Austausch war viel spaß! Ich habe so viel gesehen, es war unglaublich. Meine Gastfamilien war so nett und ich habe so gut mit meine GastSchwester verstanden, es war ganz traurig an der bahnhof am ende.

FSA Exchange June 2022

I am so thankful for this amazing life experience and the person I became during this exchange. I am back in South Africa for only a week now and I am already planning my return to Germany!

Thank you FSA!

Missing my German family

Thank you to the amazing FSA team for this unforgettable experience! The FSA team was in constant touch with me during my stay to ensure that everything runs smoothly. My 4 weeks in Kempten, Germany was truly the best few weeks of my life. I can’t thank the FSA enough for placing me at the perfect host family. I have only been home now for 5 days and I can’t wait to visit my amazing German family again. I miss them and Germany so much and will never forget this experience.

Parent of exchange student

I really want to thank FSA youth exchange for the geat opportunity and experience my child got from this experience. FSA communication to get everything in place is of top quality. My child was extremely happy and save. She had a fantastic time and will do it again.i will highly recommend it.

FSA exchange

I am having a lot of fun with my host family and I am enjoying the program a lot!

Best experience

Everything has gone smoothly. I am beyond happy to be here and I am having the time of my life! I know I will remember this experience forever.

German Exchange 2022

I have been on exchange in Germany for a week today, and I can easily say it has been one of the best weeks of my life. I have had the opportunity to experience a new culture, try new foods, and make incredible friends who I have already made unforgettable memories with! I have felt so welcomed by my host family and the FSA family and have loved every minute in Germany! Being on exchange has taught me so many life lessons and given me an opportunity if a life time!